Saturday, July 12, 2008

Better Public Transport for KL?

KL folks promised better public transport
Fauwaz Abdul Aziz | Jul 11, 08 6:25pm
Commuters in Kuala Lumpur have been assured of improvements in infrastructure and public transportation in line with the overall increase in transport costs.

As long as KL Monorail Stesen KL Sentral still remained in Brickfield, and not inside Stesen Sentral KL building, I doubt all the promises and plans.

By its name, public transport is meant for the use of the public, and not the local council, government or the operating company. Public interest should be put as the first priority in any public transport plan.

I used the KL Monorail to connect to Putra LRT at KL Sentral once. After that experience, I concluded that driving is still the better alternative to travel in KL, despite the traffic jams, occasional floods, and the recent petrol price hike.

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