Monday, July 14, 2008

Public Reserved Land or Private Reserved Land?

In KL/PJ city, every inch of land is so precious that lot of people are trying to take advantage to gain extra inches of public land for private use.

This is original backyard view as built by the developer, a 10 feet buffer zone between the backyard with the road shoulder.

This is what had been extended by the house owner. The plants are cleared, and are replaced with a piece of concrete wall:

Is this legal? Can these house owners claim ownership of the 10 feet buffer zone land?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Better Public Transport for KL?

KL folks promised better public transport
Fauwaz Abdul Aziz | Jul 11, 08 6:25pm
Commuters in Kuala Lumpur have been assured of improvements in infrastructure and public transportation in line with the overall increase in transport costs.

As long as KL Monorail Stesen KL Sentral still remained in Brickfield, and not inside Stesen Sentral KL building, I doubt all the promises and plans.

By its name, public transport is meant for the use of the public, and not the local council, government or the operating company. Public interest should be put as the first priority in any public transport plan.

I used the KL Monorail to connect to Putra LRT at KL Sentral once. After that experience, I concluded that driving is still the better alternative to travel in KL, despite the traffic jams, occasional floods, and the recent petrol price hike.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

News? Or Advertisement?

8pm is the prime time slot for news. For mandarin news viewers, you can choose either RTM2 or 8tv. 8tv definitely has the better newscasters and production crews. Their newscasters are fluent in delivering the message, and the messages are short and clear.

As opposed, though after the "rebranding" exercise, the only significant change I see in RTM2 Mandarin news is the recruitment of a batch of young and energetic newscasters. Technical glitches are still so frequent, volume is like yoyo, loud and soft and loud and soft, till you get intimidated. When there is a technical glitch, the newscaster will look stunned, and dunno what to do next.

If you think 8tv Mandarin news is good, not really. Watching 8tv Mandarin news is like watching advertisement. There are far too much advertisements in that half an hour slot. Often I felt I am not watching the news, but being brainwashed by certain advertisers. The negative effect is, I never buy that particular brand of product. Sorry, dear advertiser. You get what you deserved.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

There are more important things to do!!

There are more important things for our leaders to do rather than just focusing on the Sri Damansara (S.D.) Kolomee.

- Inflation is at all time high, and we will see recession if nothing is being done.
- Crime rate is rocketing, you don't feel safe wherever you go.
- Dengue cases in Selangor are rising fast. Even if you choose to stay home to avoid being a crime victim, you might end up a dengue victim.
- ...

Come on! Let's do something for this country!