Monday, June 30, 2008

City Life? City Behaviour?

For those who are/were part of your RA committee, you will definite agree with me with the following human behaviors in a city community:

1. When you ring the door bell, whether to collect security fees, or to give away goodies, people inside the house will look out suspiciously, or send their maid to handle you. Or the best is still they will freeze themselves in the living hall, pretending that no one is at home.

2. If you are organizing a community event, and the event is a festive celebration event or makan event, the participation rate will be over whelming. But when it's a gotong royong event, ha.. ha ..

3. Still on gotong royong, not many people would want to dirty their hands to clean up the community, but won't mind dirty their hands for the free food. The best is still there are shameless people who just come for the food.

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