Saturday, August 02, 2008

Sue The Public Smokers

Was having breakfast with my wife and son at a restaurant this morning. It's NOT a non-smoking restaurant. Unfortunately we were seated beside a table full of male smokers. It destroyed our "breakfast mode", and we left as soon as we finished our food, of course inhaled a lots of "complementary" passive smokes.

According to tons of research conducted, smoking is the greatest risk factor for cancer. Read the article by Cancer Research UK here. Passive smoking has the same or even greater risk. Read the extract of the BMJ article here.

Though we are only exposed to the passive smokes for that few minutes, but no doubt we were mentally stressed, and left with some damage lung cells.

Some time one day, when I have the resource, I will bring these public smokers to court for attempt to cause injury/sickness to other. Or bring the restaurant owner to court for negligence for not taking care the interest of non-smokers, when the restaurant is not designated as "smoking only" or "non-smoking" restaurant.

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