Thursday, October 30, 2008

Same Old Stories

Was in Guilin China for the past 5 days, and had not read Malaysia news for the past 5 days too. Had a good time enjoying the Guilin scenery, and observing what's happening in China.

One thing that opened up my mind is that China's tourism industry has evolved from foreign tourists dependent to local tourists driven. At most of the tourist areas, conservatively the local tourists to foreign tourists ratio can go up to 80:20.

Apparently China has managed to create a self-sufficient economy without heavily relying on the outside world. Hence, I truly believe that China will be well prepared for this coming global economy turmoil.

Well, back to Malaysia, years after years, we do not seem to move ahead fast enough. Our pace is far slower than our potential. Same old stories on the newspaper:- your rights, my rights; your race, my race; your scandals, my stories; your accusations, my explanations ...

WAKE UP!! Malaysia. If we don't do anything constructive now, we will have plenty of time to talk about all the above when our economy crashes.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Consumer Power? Or Be More Realistic?

The PM urged all to use the consumers power to bring down prices of goods. Read The Star article here.

Unlike stock market, I think all of us know that in the consumer market, once the price of the products and services go up, the likelihood that they come down is almost nil. Even if it comes down, it will be like the way the government handle the fuel price, increase by 40%, but drop only a mere 5% at one time.

Spending more time, and burn more petrol to travel further to buy a 5% cheaper goods and services, very unlikely I'm going to do this.

The damaged had already been done, let's move on to do the more important things i.e. to tackle the worldwide financial turmoil.